i am slowly reaching my goals finishing up school and i still have my job i plan to keep it when i  graduate and go to college maybe find another one depending on how my part time college classes go   …. that is all 


i learned that he is also familiar with logistics and that he taught me more about logistics…

My spring break

My spring break went well i didn’t do much but hang with my boyfirend & then got my hair hair done then we had a cookout on saturday because it was my brother’s birthday he turned 14 years old (I wish he would act like it) we had alot of fun most of the family came over  i chilled with my cousin & her boyfriend & my other cousins that were there ..

Then sunday i went to church with my auntie on easter sunday that’s about it

Don’t Trust

Don’t Trust to much , Don’t LOVE TO MUCH .. Because that too much can hurt you so much!!!

02/27/2012 My Day

My Day has went well i put all the drama behind me its best to keep all of that off my mind and focus on school …



Well i like fashion my favorite website is www.wetseal.com

i always go on there there are other places i like but thats my main place .